Smart caps: products speak to consumers, combining safety and sustainability
Smart caps in the name of the best design at a creative and technological level, which combine practical functionality with an information service with added value. By combining an NFC tag, integrated into the cap, with Vericode, an exclusive and patented coding system, it is possible to enhance communication relating to each individual product, certifying in real time its uniqueness, originality and authenticity. The technological combination is the result of a cross-sectorial and innovative synergy between two companies: CAPS & FASHION and Tracetoo.
CAPS & FASHION is a Bergamo-based company specialized in the processing of polyester in the Spirits, Perfumes and Luxury Cosmetics sector.
“From a careful research of shapes and materials, our smart caps present themselves as real design objects - explains Rinaldo Frattini, CAPS & FASHION sales manager. Soft-touch finishes and UV coatings ensure superior quality and long life. The idea that came to us a few years ago was to apply the Internet of Things in a new way, integrating an NFC chip in a patented line of caps. The target? Making a luxury product unique and immediately recognizable, enhancing the communication levels. The insertion of an NFC tag inside the cap, in fact, allows you to upload diversified information: from a personalized message in the case of a gift to a series of cross-media messages such as illustrated texts, links to a web page, playback of a video Youtube and so on. All of this from a decidedly more sustainable and green perspective because there is no need to accompany the products with flyers or paper brochures
In the era of consumers nearly inseparable from their smartphones, smart caps become precious touchpoints of relationship and business. All in paperless mode, allowing brands to reduce the environmental impact for a digital communication that is always updated, relevant and relevant.
Encryption, serialization and anti-counterfeiting
The digital information circle is completed, triangulating personalization, traceability and anti-counterfeiting. The guarantee of authenticity is provided also to final consumers by Tracetoo, a system integrator with headquarters in Varese who has been operating for years in the AutoID sector, designing identification, traceability, optimization and anti-fraud systems, supporting the world of production and of national and international distribution.
"In the fight against counterfeiting, over the years, brands have used technologies and approaches that are very useful at the back-end level but not very transparent and functional at the front-end - explains Moreno Poli, CEO of TraceToo - Above all with the e-commerce catching on, it is very important for companies to be able to share certified proof of the authenticity of a wine, a perfume or any other luxury product even with final customers. Smart caps are really smart if they manage to close the virtuous circle of communication, guaranteeing the authenticity of an item to consumers in a simple and immediate way. With Vericode we have been able to give the best technological answer to this need: to a simple and innovative solution which, through a cloud management platform and the front-end use of a QR Code readable by any mobile device, defends the products of any product area from the problem of counterfeiting, by enabling a guaranteed and immediate certification mechanism".
An enabling platform behind the technological scenes
The technological combination between CAPS & FASHION and Vericode encourages both retailers and end customers to purchase an asset whose origin is 100% sure, protecting brands and buyers from the danger of incurring hidden fraud. The technological and strategic concept is aimed at all production and distribution companies operating in the wine, spirits but also perfumes, luxury cosmetics or fine jams sector.
"The advantage of Vericode is to solve the entire NFC tag management and service infrastructure at system level - continues Poli -: to enable smart caps, brands do not have to invest anything in terms of hardware or software resources. The technology is on demand: through dedicated access to a securitized web-based portal, the information is managed automatically to give punctuality and accuracy to the interaction and communication. The end customer scans the QR Code and immediately obtains confirmation of the originality of the product they are about to purchase".
The potential of contactless technology
In the era of the Internet of Things, making products connected and communicating helps companies to better tell their story, characteristics and methods of consumption. The NFC tags, in fact, allow you to:
- enable unique radiofrequency identification, ensuring the traceability and trackability of each individual product to support logistics and customer care
- store an extremely larger amount of information compared to an RFID tag, allowing you to insert a more complete and high-engagement storytelling, bypassing the need to print brochures or flyers in compliance with the green economy
- be read by any NFC smartphone or tablet. We are talking about a very large audience, considering that, to date, NFC mobile devices are 2 billion and that the number is destined to increase. Even Apple, in fact, has added NFC functionality to all new iPhones starting with iPhone XS, XS Max and XR (Source: Blue Bite 2021)
Purchases and gifts in the era of innovation and personalization
Under the skilled hands of marketing, smart caps become like diamonds: destined to last forever. CAPS & FASHION, in fact, provides that the inserted tag can contain pre-programmed information according to the manufacturer's wishes or be free. This opens up a personalized messaging service at the point of sale that transforms smart caps into a memory destined to last over time. Using a free app (available for both iOs and Android) the shop assistant can transcribe the message of the gift giver on the memory part of the chip. Whether it is a perfume, a cosmetic product, a vintage wine or a prestigious distillate, the recipient, approaching an NFC-enabled smartphone or tablet, can at any time read and reread the message as often as he wants. The well-established habit of people using their mobile devices to browse information has in fact opened up many new value-added communication opportunities for brands.
Evolution of consumers, more and more tech
As analysts point out from many quarters, the pandemic has created a surge in the use of NFC not only for payments but for other use cases.
“Consumers, in fact, are showing a growing dependence on technology, used to support new methods of use and service - explains Frattini -. The technological combination between CAPS & FASHION and Vericode opens new horizons of collaboration and service for the supply chains of Food & Beverage and luxury cosmetics. Smart caps help marketing to be more creative in diversifying and increasing the quality of communication and engagement, exploiting the channels of value-added multimedia 4.0".
CAPS & FASHION and TraceToo will participate in the ADF & PCD and PLD fair in Paris, which will be held on 29th and 30th June. To find out more, email us!
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