Product Authentication and Anti-Counterfeiting System
Every product stands on the name of its maker which, as the case may be, is synonymous with quality, creativity, technology or style.
Consumers base their purchase decisions on brands, and their freedom of choice should be protected. To do so, an innovative system has been created to certify products: a new label attesting to the quality that contributes to the brand’s status and renown.
This is why VeriCode was created: to fight against fakes and protect originals.
The technology
The VeriCode system uses simple and effective technology for product traceability.
VeriCode works per the producer’s specific requirements, offering flexible, modular solutions tailored to the type of product, business and end target.
For example, producers might choose to merely generate the VeriCodes and print them on their own product labels independently. Otherwise, VeriCode can supply state-of-the-art anti-counterfeit labels with RFId tags for more sophisticated traceability.
In all cases, each product can be tracked on the VeriCode website at any point along the entire chain, using analysis and business intelligence tools for a series of reports and alerts on a user-friendly dashboard.